BEWARE OF FRAUD!! Be careful with unusual offers or calls. Learn more by clicking here.

Dear visitors,

During this time of pandemic, there have been more "companies" and persons who want to take advantage of people. Tourism industry has not been the exception.

Fraudsters' creativity is astonishing, but their sole purpose is to cheat clients and those of many other companies in the tourism sector. by offering purchases, rentals and more. They offer things that "seem incredible" where people end up "just paying a deposit" or renting air.

Therefore, we kindly ask you to ignore offers that may not make sense or are "too good". In addition, if you receive any information or contact that seems suspicious, please notify us immediately to our official email

Also, we remind you that Pacífica Resort Ixtapa or Pacífica Grand Zihuatanejo NEVER send emails, SMS, WhatsApp nor calls requesting for:

1. Personal data of your membership.

2. Clicking on links to verify your information or download attachments

3. They do not offer the sale of SHARES.

4. They do not offer the SALE or RENT of your membership, nor request COMMISSION for any of these cases.

5. They do not provide nor give data to any Broker company.

6. Money in advance by offering to rent or sell your membership.

On the other hand, we remind you that our only official communication channels are:

Free Lines:

1 866 924 8888
1 855 646 4828
1 866 446 0610
1 887 387 2370
1 877 698 1740
1 877 440 7710

Authorized Call Centers:

+52 (55) 4160 9000
+52 (55) 4160 9003
+52 (55) 4162 8100
+52 (55) 4160 9216
+52 (55) 4160 9071
+52 (55) 4160 9004
+52 (55) 4160 9006
+52 (442) 4049 272
+52 (442) 6903 333

Owners Referals:

+52 (55) 4160 0971
+52 (55) 4160 9228

Ixtapa - Zihuatanejo:

+52 (755) 555 2500

Official Website:

Email official domains:

Greetings from your own piece of Paradise,
Customer Service Department.