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Compromiso Sustentabilidad

Committed to the environment and to preserve the lush natural beauty of the Mexican Pacific beaches that host our resorts, and as part of our sustainability policies, we have eliminated the use of straws and plastic bottles in our facilities.

Casa de los niños

casa niños

Committed to Mexican society and particularly to Zihuatanejo's, on October 11, 2000 La Casa para Niños del Pacífico (Pacific Children's House) was founded to improve community life through education and value formation. La Casa para Niños del Pacífico is located in a property on lease in Zihuatanejo, which was adapted with kitchen, bathrooms, offices, workshops, a multi-event hall, as well as the necessary adjustments in security matters. All this in order to become a functional and comfortable activity center for children.


Discover it

The main objective of creating of this house is to provide comprehensive training in education of low-income children who are currently in elementary school, aged between 6 and 12 years with a good grade point average at school.

Within this home, children receive psychological help, school guidance and various workshops such as: Computer sciences, handicrafts, homework support, English, reading, among others.

What does it offer?

Children are also provided with food, clothing and school supplies to continue their studies.

All these children have the opportunity to be financially and morally supported to continue their studies through the institution's programs.

Contributions and donations

Casa de los Niños del Pacífico is a private welfare institution, so every donation can be tax deductible. Every donation, monetary or material, is welcome as every bit helps to improve our daily labor.

You can send your donations to “Casa para Niños del Pacífico I.A.P” to the following bank account:

Monetary donations
BANORTE account number 0152697563
And your physical donations should be directed to:
Calle Mar Caspio #135, Centro. Zihuatanejo, Guerrero México ZIP: 40880 Telephone: 755-554-5982

For more information, please contact Marlene Teresa

The Godfathers
Casa para Niños del Pacífico has the support of Lifetime Godfathers, people or organizations that commit to support economically one or more of our children.